When we met Kin Insurance, they had just signed Ty Pennington as their new spokesperson. We were asked to write, produce, and edit one, 30 second spot as well as two stand-alone 15 second spots featuring Ty and his larger-than-life personality. This project had two major challenges. The first was time, the client wanted to start airing the spots in four weeks and Ty’s schedule only allowed for a one-day window to shoot all the content needed. The second challenge was how to maximize the writing concepts to be able to get the most of the one-day shoot and deliver three spots told in Ty’s voice that best displayed Kin’s branding and messaging. Within one location, we managed to create several spaces that had shared aesthetics, yet all felt unique. The scripting and scheduling were both very deliberate, maximizing creativity and productivity on set, giving the freedom in post to craft three excellent spots.

Writing. Directing. Editing. Photography.